Social Media and Financial Services are getting to know each other pretty well. There are some obvious opportunities to be grabbed. For …Read More
Ever Thought About ‘Selling’ Customer Service?
Here's what the Customer Service industry is missing: a service catalogue. A what? It's like a product catalogue, only for customer …Read More
Thinking About Multi-Channel Strategy
This post is for anyone in customer leadership who needs to think clearly about their multi channel strategy. Offering a multi channel …Read More
Why Transparency Transforms Or Destroys
In another time and another place I used to spend many an evening sharing personal insights in the company of others. (You can DM me if …Read More
Marketing & Customer Service: Marriage Partners Or Holiday Romance?
Social Marketers are confused. Their vision of the world is an integrated one in which Customer Engagement speaks louder than siloed …Read More
Team Leaders & Their Changing Role In Customer Service – session 1
Team leaders are a group in transition. The Customer Service Operations they work in are now entering a third phase of existence. Just …Read More
Is A Customer Service ROI Provable?
Is there a plausible ROI To Customer Service? This is a question that has bubbled away for ages and every so often someone has …Read More
Mobile Customer Engagement
'Mobile customer engagement' has been a long time a comin’. So you could be forgiven for deciding to put it on the back burner for …Read More
The Human Chemistry Of Customer Service
I've just come back from Rioja. A place obviously associated with wine. It was only on my return though that I discovered how much I'd …Read More
Painting A Customer Service Strategy: session 6
This session explores continuity and capability. The first is about staying on track with your customer service strategy even when those …Read More