Retaining customers in a world full of choice Is it still possible to keep a customer for life? You might argue that customers no …Read More
Inside Shop Direct’s Customer Closeness Centre
Scene Setting Scene Setting I’ve decided to write a series of posts featuring organisations I rate as being at the front of the …Read More
Why Customer Emotion Management Matters
The century remains young and its major themes are still emerging. For me, one certainty is the interchangable world of virtual and physical …Read More
Positive Emotional Service Outcomes Impact Loyalty – latest findings
Forrester’s recent US Health Insurers Customer Experience Index, 2018 shows just how important emotive CX is. In the context of health …Read More
Why Digital Transformation And Technology Refreshes Are Not Going To Make The Difference
Digital transformation surrounds us. I’m in the process of commenting on all the new stuff that is happening in customer engagement. Just …Read More
What’s The Real Message About Messaging?
For some, messaging is front and centre. It inspired Josh March, CEO of social customer service platform Conversocial to write his …Read More
Messaging As Part Of Mobile Omni-Channel
Why You Need A Mobile Customer Service Strategy I currently begin my mobile customer service masterclass with a headline taken from the 2017 …Read More
Emotions & Customer Interaction
I’m on a mission and I need your help. Some of you will know about the P&Q Challenge I run. Now four years old, it has attracted …Read More
Post Digital Consciousness
For the generation who grew up engaging and learning online, the digitally enabled world is as real as the physical one. Previous …Read More
The Thinking Behind Your First Chatbot
Over the last decade, self service never really caught on in the way some had hoped. The IVR variety could work after a fashion with …Read More