Brainfood Consulting provides planning courses, in-house workshops and skills training in Emotive CX for Customer Interaction.
Courses are held throughout the year. They are ideal for practitioners keen to establish ROI. They can be consumed either as an open course with the benefit of co-designing your plan with a community of other organisations. Or as an in-house course if greater flexibility in location, timing and participants is needed.
Online access to workshop slides, source material and assignments means any English speaking organisation can participate regardless of location. The in-house course brochure explains how the blended learning model (live workshops and online mentoring) works in detail. You can request one at the end of this page.
Open Courses
This is an overview of the six month open course and what is covered in each of the five workshops. There is some pre reading/watching before the first workshop to get you up to speed on the basic concepts.

These five workshop courses are held in London and Manchester. They can be attended as face to face sessions or remotely for non UK participants and those unable to attend e.g. travel bans.
Online participants can join the live workshop via video conference to hear/see the presentations and contribute to discussions. After each workshop, both groups then use the online platform to access the course material and assignments. Workshop presentations are also recorded which provides extra scheduling flexibility for some delegates who might not be able to attend every live workshop over the six month commitment.
Ongoing mentoring and support is provided via messaging or live conferencing. This is used to support assignments and then assess them.
The aim of the course is to produce a plan that embeds Emotive CX for Customer Interaction into existing customer service and inside sales operations. Starting as a pilot, then as scaled capability across relevant customer journeys. By the end of the course, many teams are well on their way to trialling their proof of concept.
You can attend as a single delegate. While other organisations use Emotive CX to align their teams under a common vision and methodology. For instance, we have digital and voice teams, service and marketing teams. working together to produce their joint proof of concept.

In-House Courses
There are two type of in-house programmes we offer. The first is based on the open course format. Five workshops spread over six months. This is suitable for larger organisations able to bring together between 15-30 partipants from across different parts of the organisation to test Emotive CX in their own areas. It is also suitable for organisations with a non UK European footprint.
The other programme is personalised for cross functional CX teams who have been brought together to manage end to end journeys. Typically they are established in journey mapping, digital, service design, UX, agile etc. However they have yet to incorporate emotive as a methodology and mindset.
We provide a two day intensive course as rapid upskilling for cross functional teams managing journeys. Ouputs include adding emotive to pre selected core journeys, recalibrating VoC to include emotive, setting up a ROI workstream to evidence commercial value, sourcing a plan for mending emotive gaps: all topped off with a powerful exploration into the neuroscience of emotion and some deep conversation around gaining buy in for going ‘Emotive’.
And yes you guessed right, this covers employees as much as customers. ‘Cause they are both one and the same human being!

If you would like more details tell us what interests you and we will be straight back.
“Martin has developed the most engaging course I have ever seen. The content, the format and the delivery were outstanding. Combining workshops and online platform was a perfect way to keep me engaged and on time in delivering my outputs. I knew I could “listen and learn” as much as I could in each workshop because I would have the opportunity to read the slides and much more… really much much more research on the online platform. Highly recommended to CX practitioners – the course is almost addictive.”

“This is without doubt a game changer, and thrilled for my team to have been involved in this. The John Lewis Partnership is still an experiment after over 150 years, and it’s so right we are part of this experiment! There is much to do (isn’t there always) but cannot encourage my peers enough to get stuck into this, it’s the last battleground ….. bots and AI will have the rest covered soon enough!!”

“I have really enjoyed taking part in the Emotional CX course run by Martin. The course provides you with all the theory you need to know but also delivers the practicalities of how to implement an emotional CX framework within your contact centre. Martin is so passionate and knowledgeable on emotional cx and is supportive and generous with his time . Emotional CX within the contact centre is the way forward in delivering outstanding customer service and building customer loyalty – I would strongly recommend you get on board.”